Evan, Grant, Brittany, Jenelle, Derek, Nancy, Jim, Leiana

Evan, Grant, Brittany, Jenelle, Derek, Nancy, Jim, Leiana
These are the people on earth that I love THE MOST! They are second in line only to my precious Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!
We had so much fun being together July 1-8, 2009, at our home in West Chicago. The boys drove home from CA and arrived at 11 PM on Tuesday evening, 6/30/09. Jenelle's family flew in on Wednesday evening, 7/1/09, arriving at Midway Airport in Chicago at 8:06 PM.
The "kids" spent a LOT of time working on making a "music video"...which is hilarious! It makes me laugh every time I watch it. It's called "Punch Them In The Face." :-0
Yep. Well, you have to understand my kids' sense of humor to really fully appreciate this form of . . . art. ;-)
The boys left yesterday (7/10/09) at 1:00 PM to head back west to CA. Claire's folks got a car for her... and they "hired" Evan to drive it out to her...since he was headed back to her place to pick up his 2003 Ford Pickup Truck he left parked there (the boys drove home in Grant's 2006 Ford Pickup Truck). So...today, I am sad. :-(
I am growing quite "accustomed" to my house being filled with just the 3 of us: Jim, Brittany and I. It is a bit overwhelming and dizzying to keep up with 9 people in the house!!! Especially when there's an adorable, beautiful 8 1/2 month old baby girl named Leiana Arwen here!!! ;-)
I truly wondered how we were going to financially swing it...feeding all these folks for a week. The Lord provided!!!!! An anonymous donor gave us $800 cash and a very encouraging sweet note that reminded us to "not lose heart" and that God loves and cares for us!!! (Philippians 4:6~"be anxious for NOTHING!..."
WOW! What a fantastic display of God's perfect timing! And what a great demonstration of how He is the One we can trust to meet our needs!
My heart is full of joy in the Lord! I wish I could be as full of joy even when the circumstances are dire and overwhelming! The Lord knows the desires of my heart; He is the One who will equip me to do what HE wants me to do!
"In God We Trust."