That which I copied and pasted above... is suppose to show up as the picture that goes along with The Romans Project in which I'm participating, encouraged by Ann Voskamp. I'm not sure yet how to get it to post on my blog the way it is suppose to... well, as always with computer stuff, I try and try until I hit upon whatever works. ;) Hey, Hey! It works! :)
I am working on memorizing the first chapter of Romans, then plan on tackling chapters 8 and 12 so that by the end of this year, I'll be able to recite those 3 chapters from memory. I've always wanted to memorize chapter 8 and 12... so imagine how glad I was to see Ann Voskamp (Author of One Thousand Gifts) announce The Romans Project to memorize chapters 1, 8, & 12 of Romans! Her project last year was to memorize 3 chapters in Matthew covering The Sermon on the Mount. I did not participate in that one... wish I would have... but now I know how wonderful it will be to get "chunks" of God's Word "hidden" in my heart! :)
We've had some interesting days with a wide variety of weather this past week! The temperatures rose to the upper 50's but it was rainy and sloppy out there. Then the temperatures plummeted into the teens so that today it's 15 degrees and windy with light snow flurries, with zero degrees predicted to be the low. Brrrrrr!
As long as it is warm inside our house, I dress in layers because I'd get too warm if I was wearing a pull-over sweater or sweatshirt all day. I need to be able to shed that top layer, even to being comfortable in a short-sleeved shirt and jeans. :) I keep our thermostat set at 66, so usually I have a jacket I can easily put on or take off. However, if my DD {Darling Daughter} and I are going out for a walk, we bundle up in snow pants, winter coats, hats, head band warmers, scarves, gloves/mittens, and winter boots! :) We did go on a walk on a 5-degree day; we didn't even make it around the pond once before we realized we needed more warm clothes to wear. So we stopped back at home and grabbed scarves and she got her ski goggles to wear. :) I'm sure we were quite the sight out there walking around Pioneer Park! :D
Well, in more important news, I have a new granddaughter who was born 2 1/2 weeks ago! So now I have THREE wonderful granddaughters who are all "the apple of my eye!" God's Word is true: "Children are a treasure from the Lord!" I am extremely grateful for the technology we have to "video chat" with them so I have a way to see them "in action" and watch them grow and develop and change. It's not as great as being with them in person, but it's the next best thing and sure does help to span the miles.
My youngest DD who lives here at home with us is doing a Bible study with me and I am really enjoying it! I had previously made an attempt to go through this study, Living Beyond Yourself (written by Beth Moore), the first time in 2003; then I tried in 2004; then in 2009! In all those attempts, I never got past Week 4! So I was delighted when DD agreed to do it with me this time around and I have now reached Week 4 (again!) and I have high expectations of making it all the way through Week 10 THIS TIME! :D