Call it my "thinking spot," if you will. This is where I reflect on Life and what makes the world go 'round.
Monday, February 13, 2023
How About Some New Reading Material?
Thursday, February 9, 2023
News from my Author-Daughter
Sporadic Blogger
It's the wee hours of Wednesday morning, 9/21/2022, the last full day of "Summer" here in Brewster. Washington! With cooler weather, it sure feels like Autumn is in the air! Yay! I love the fall season!
I edited a post from 2008 regarding an "earthquake" (tremor) of which I had felt an "after-shock" in West Chicago, Illinois...and when I saved the post and hit "publish," well, it came up on today's date! Guess that goes to show me that I can't "change history!" What was written back then, well, that was then. I should just let it rest where it was.
Back to the present: For the past 7 years, my daughter and another author friend came up with a fun project to do each September called the "Silmarillion Awards."
(I thought they chose September perhaps because it might have been J.R.R. Tolkien's birth month, but I discovered he was born January 3, 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa. However, he did die September 2, 1973, in Bournemouth, United Kingdom.)
Over the month, they open up a web site for folks to nominate favorite fantasy-fiction characters for various categories, and then over the last 2 weeks of September, the winners are announced and "Silmarils" are awarded.
I'm sure this will continue on in the years to come, so check it out and join in on the fun!
I find it hard to believe that I have not written anything here on this little blog of mine since 11/25/2021! And I don't think I ever mentioned at all in 2020 TTTWRU (the thing that will remain unspoken). I heard that our country's president announced that it was "over." Ah! Good to know! OK, don't get me started on THAT!
It appears that some folks "view" my blog, but there are no comments. I am a bit technologically-challenged, so it could be I need to turn on something to allow comments...I don't know. Maybe I can figure that out.
Something I have noticed: Time seems to be flying by faster and faster! I often think of the words of a song from the "cantata" called "Go Tell Your World"...or something like that...called "Only One Life" by Lanny Wolfe...
"The days pass so swiftly, the months come and go
The years melt away like a new fallen snow
Spring turns to summer, and summer to fall
Autumn brings winter, and death comes to call"
That's why it's important to "redeem the time," for it's slipping quickly away!
Summer 2007 Collage
Brittany mails her deposit for puppy; Piano recital with supporting "fans"; making music in our home; Family get togethers; baseball; new fence.
Family dinner in Chicago, 9JUL07
Brittany, Nan, Jim, Jenelle, Derek, Grant, & Evan celebrating Jenelle and Derek's 3rd anniversary (early) at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Chicago. Yummy!!!
Jenelle and Derek
It's always fun to have them come home for a visit! They got to spend a week with us over the 4th of July holiday. We celebrated their 3rd anniversary early by going to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Chicago.
New Patio Furniture to enjoy
Brittany, Evan, Claire, Jenelle, Derek, Grant, & Jim trying out our new patio furniture. Sadly, the new umbrella got destroyed in our Aug. 24 tornado!!! :-(
Coach Jim (and nephew Austin)
Jim coached our boys' baseball team, the Chicago Titans, in the Skyscraper League, Chicago. This was a lot of work, but Jim and the boys had some fun with it.
Chicago Skyline
This was the baseball field near UIC where the boys played all their games this summer. It was quite a spectacular backdrop to view!
Our cute puppy, Sadie
Grant liked this little puppy! Jim, Brittany, Grant, and Nan drove up to northern WI to get her (Golden Retriever) on July 22. She was fantastic for the 6 hour trip home!
Evan and "Sadie"
This golden retriever puppy was such a cute 6 1/2 week old puppy. Evan worked at a private golf resort all summer, so he did not have too much free time, but in his few spare moments he would enjoy playing with Sadie.
Brittany and "Sadie"
And of course, Brittany loved Sadie! It was HER puppy. She had counted the days after Sadie was born in June until the day we could go pick her up! Nan loved Sadie, too, but caring for such a young pup combined with all the kids soon heading back to full-time at schools...was too much for Nan...and the decision was made to take Sadie back to her home in WI...where she was placed in a very good home with folks who raised golden retrievers! We had fun with Sadie for 6 days and we miss her! (You can see the new fence we put up in our back yard...for our doggie.)
Jim and "Sadie"
Jim and Brittany drove Sadie back to WI after we had her 6 days. Sadly, Nan was the one who could not "cope" with all that would be involved in raising a dog. It has been one of the hardest things in Nan's bring to an end the dream of her daughter to have a dog!
Grandpa turned 80!
Grandkids: Brittany, Brandon, Grant, Austin, Jalen, Connor, LeAnn, Ethan, Garrett~think "Grandpa Wonderful"...
Grandma's turn was coming...
she also would turn 80 this year, so her grandkids helped her celebrate early. LeAnn, Brittany, Austin, Brandon, Grant Ethan, Connor, Jalen, Garrett
Happy 80th Birthday, Mom!
Randy(50), Nan (52), Mom(80), Anne (44), poolside in Morenci
Angelina, Grant, Evan, Claire
Making summer memories...ready to drive to Cleveland, OH for a Kenny Chesney concert, with a stop in Morenci to introduce the girls to G'ma & G'pa; and enjoy the Randy Porter Family and their 4-wheelers! :-)
Grant-man leaving for Biola
It was an early morning departure for Grant as he and Jim would drive the Ford Pickup Truck back to La Mirada, CA, where Grant began his 3rd year.
Sunrise Departure
Nan and Grant take a "self-portrait" booth style! Grant and Jim were leaving early in the morning to drive cross-country to California! Nan is smiling, but she is NEVER happy to see her boys leave home...again!
Evan-man heading back to Biola, 20OCT07
Mom says yet another "good bye" :-( We brought Evan home for a "mini fall break" so he could surprise Claire with an in-between-visit before Thanksgiving.
My Girls 9Sep07
Jenelle (25 in photo, now 26) and Brittany (15 here, but now she's "sweet 16") are pure delights to my heart! They are truly "treasures" from the Lord! We enjoyed a Labor Day week visit from Jenelle and Derek. We LOVE having them visit!!!
Hello, Snow!
First snow of December, day 1
Busy, Hungry Squirrel
Here's one of many squirrels we enjoy watching as they scamper and play in the snow. This one found a cob of corn and seemed to enjoy nibbling at it!
Squirrel eating his lunch...
This squirrel was a lot of fun to watch as he dragged this cob of corn around our yard! I wonder if he carried it up into his hole in the tree!
One more squirrel photo
I enjoyed looking out my kitchen window to watch this busy squirrel as he ate his corn. It is so marvelous how the Lord cares for meeting the needs of the wild animals! How much more He cares for us!!!